12:39 a.m.
I got back from the football game around 11:00 o’clock and I was never once tired at all. This could be because the two friends that I went with and I were in a bit of a silly mood and we kept each other awake well enough.
The game was enjoyable even though our somewhat home team got destroyed 44-16. It was embarrassing but still a good time.
As promised I worked on a project tonight; one that I have been putting off for months for no real good reason. I will post a photo of how far I am tomorrow if I can find a single camera in this house that works.
The first play of the game! |
I think when it’s said that these types of sleep cycles make you more creative, they refer to the arts that depend on a spontaneous element. By that I mean music and sculpture or painting. If the art however needs serious thought and preplanning (writing a novel, realistic art) it becomes much harder to do at night. The reason I say this is because A couple nights ago I attempted to continue a story I had previously started. My brain couldn’t continue the story fluidly and I gave up. Tonight however, at about midnight, I worked on the visual work that should be posted soon. I found that I was much more creative, took risks more often and added an edge that otherwise could have been omitted. In summary, I think these sleep cycles help art that relies on emotion and reaction and hinders art that is dependent upon forethought and precise requirements.
Lastly I would just like to comment on my physical and mental state. There is nothing significant to note. However I feel that I am more alert tonight than I was last night.