10:29 p.m. July 24, 2012
I was kind of up at five today. It was closer to five thirty but close enough. After a very long break from running and the discovery that it was the physical activity in the morning that made me dread waking up, I have decided that I want to start the daily runs again. I am hopeful that I was get my lazy self up before five thirty tomorrow and be back and showered before six tomorrow. That’s the ideal plan.
Today my afternoon nap was delayed until three o’clock because I forgot. I found it more difficult to fall asleep and had a much lighter rest than I normally do. I’m not worried about it at all though as tomorrow I will hopefully have returned to my normal schedule.
I'm also planning on working on a few paintings tonight as I haven't even touched one since the last update I gave. I'll post pictures once there's something to post.