6:08 a.m.
I woke up right on time this morning at 5:00 and was out the door half an hour later for my morning run. In case you were wondering, that’s three days in a row that I’ve been on time. This is exciting news for me; I’m finally starting to get the hang of it. The only problem is that I dozed off last night for maybe half an hour in front of the TV. This means two things; one is that if I am actually using my brain a little (painting, reading) I will be able to stay up much better than if I sit in front of the TV. The other thing it means is that the later afternoon nap didn’t help as much as I was hoping.
These are the shoes that have carried me in all my runs |
Nevertheless, I will have another late afternoon rest period today (third day in a row) just to see if it really doesn’t help at all. And I should be able to finish the painting I started and posted a couple days ago. That should keep me awake at night.
One last note is that when I meet people who know what I’m doing it always surprises them that I’m usually not tired at all and even during the transition phase, I wasn’t very tired at all. This shows that no matter where you are in your school or job, you can make he change at any time so long as you are committed and have a schedule flexible enough. If some of you guys decide to try this sleep cycle out or another one let us know in the comments!